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2022 January Consecration


Monday, January 24 @ 6am - Wednesday, January 26 @ 12noon (Noon Day Prayer)


**Fast - modified Daniel Fast:


1. Only water and juices

2. No fast food or soda products

3. Consume only fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains

4. Salads with chicken only

5. Soups with chicken only


** - consult with your doctor if you take medication or have a condition that might be adversely affected by fasting.


Study (consuming the Word):


1. Read the Book of 1 Peter (5 chapters) - English Standard Version (ESV) recommended

2. Pray at least 10 minutes every day (not including Wednesday Noon Day Prayer)

3. No TV, Cable, Streaming, Youtube, Social Media - replace that time spent with devotions (reading, praying, resting, meditating on the things of God).


Prayer Focus:


1. Monday - 1) Your own spiritual growth, 2) Spiritual growth of others including family, loved ones and friends

2. Tuesday - 1) Growth of our church, 2) Our church's impact on the community

3. Wednesday - 1) Our country and its leaders, 2) A lasting relief from the pandemic.


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